About Us
Academic Success Advocates Inc is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides support for the families of children with special educational needs. We advocate for students with disabilities, limited English proficiency, and regular education students who are having difficulties in the classroom.
Our Vision

Our vision is to help children with disabilities attain exceptional student education programs that promote academic success and prepare them to lead productive, independent lives to the maximum extent possible.
Our Mission

Our mission is to help special needs and limited English proficient students gain equal access and opportunities to high quality educational planning, programs, and services appropriate for their unique learning needs.
Our Goals

● Help parents navigate the complex system, regulations, and steps involved in attaining appropriate planning, programs, and services for your child's needs.
● Enhance communication and collaboration between local education agencies and families to attain appropriate educational services for students and preserve the relationship between parents and the school.
● Protect the rights of students with disabilities to receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.
● Advocate for SMART (Specific, Measurable, Active, Realistic, Time-limited) success plans (IEP's, PBIP's, EP's, 504 Plans) that address your child's individual needs.
● Provide training and network opportunities for parents and children to empower them to become self-advocates.