When you need help but don't require full advocacy services, we offer customized plans for the most frequent issues and can tailor plans to your individual needs. Standard service fees are $75* per hour. Fee reductions or waivers may also be available. Historically, donation levels have lowered fees to rates between $26-$50 per hour.
Free Initial Consultation
Schedule a complimentary initial consultation. We'll listen & offer advice with no commitment.
MTSS/RTI Analysis
We review data from Tier 2 & 3 interventions and recommend appropriate next steps.
Child Study/ PST Meetings
Invited to a Problem Solving Team (Child Study) meeting? Call us first for consultation and support.
ESE Evals & Eligibility
We can help you obtain an evaluation and/or understand results and eligibility for services.
IEP Consultation
We'll help you navigate the IEP process, providing assistance every step of the way.
IEP Goals
Avoid the "one size fits all" IEP. We help develop and negotiate SMART IEP goals for your child.
IEP Meetings
We'll plan together and prepare you for IEP meetings. We'll attend with you as your advocate.
IEP Review & Revisions
Does your child have an IEP that isn't really working? We can help you negotiate changes.
504 Plan Consultation
Schools often deny 504 plans for students who actually need such support. Don't let that happen. Call us.
504 Plan Goals
Avoid the "one size fits all" 504 plan. We help develop and negotiate SMART goals for your child.
504 Plan Meetings
We'll plan together, prepare you for 504 plan meetings and attend with you to help advocate for your child.
504 Plan Review & Revisions
Does your child have a 504 plan that isn't really working? We can help you negotiate changes.
FAB Analysis & Consultation
We'll help you understand FAB results & whether your child could benefit from a PBIP.
PBIP Goals
Avoid the "one size fits all" PBIP. We help develop and negotiate SMART goals for your child's PBIP.
PBIP Meetings
We'll plan together and prepare you for PBIP meetings and attend with you as your advocate.
PBIP Review & Revisions
Does your child have a PBIP that isn't really working? We can help you negotiate changes.
ADHD Evals &Consultation
We'll help you weigh options and negotiate support for your child at school and at home.
Related Services Goals & Support
We review eligibility for related services (Speech, OT, PT) and help negotiate appropriate goals.
Gifted EP Consultation
We provide consultation on evaluations, eligibility, and Education Plans (EP's) for gifted students.
Twice Exceptional
Gifted students with other exceptionalities (LD, ADHD, etc.) are misunderstood! We can help.
Manifestation Determination
We'll help assess your child's conduct and placement. We'll prepare you for the MD meeting and attend with you.
Due Process Complaints
We can help explain and advise you on the laws and steps involved in filing a due process complaint.
Transition Services
We'll help you weigh options and prepare an appropriate post-school transition plan for your child.
Customized Services
We can tailor services to your specific needs, including help with regular education issues and school meetings.
Don't see what you need? Call us at 321-355-3355 to see if we can help.
Our Fees
Academic Success Advocates is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity operating for public benefit. Published service fees reflect the standard rate of $75, which may be offset in part or in full by donations, sponsors, and/or grants. Historically, donation levels have lowered fees to rates between $26-$50 per hour..
*Fee reductions, fee waivers, or the reimbursement plan are subject to available donations. Availability may vary based on successful fundraising efforts. Inquire about current rates during your initial consultation and click below to learn more about the fiscal strategies utilized to support our nonprofit vision and mission.